The MP3 Head Movement Workout - Fight Smart

The MP3 Head Movement Workout


The Head Movement MP3 will help you to build the most important dodging and counter punching techniques, just by listening to my voice, and executing the combos I give you.

5.00 out of 5
(20 customer reviews)

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This audio training system will help you master some
of the most important Head Movement techniques.

(You will also get in excellent shape if you do this workout
a couple times per week… Double Win.)

I designed this MP3 to help you burn simple head movement skills into your muscle memory, without having to know what you’re doing, or even have any equipment.   When these movements in this workout become second nature to you, you will have accomplished the first step in becoming impossible to hit.

This method of audio training is incredibly effective.  Instead of having to look at a Pre-Written workout, count a certain number of reps, or be creative enough to think of your own drills… all you have to do is play this MP3, execute the moves that I tell you, and your defensive fighting skills will improve drastically.  You get to build your skills without having to think.

Interestingly enough…

Head Movement Training is the ONLY form of fight training in which there is ideally NO impact whatsoever.  If you were to slip a combination of punches perfectly, and every punch whizzed right by your head, it would feel exactly the same as if your opponent wasn’t even there.

You don’t NEED a training partner to build this stuff, because if you’re doing it right, NO ONE EVER TOUCHES YOU.

If you want to build that type of technique, while also getting a crazy about of abdominal/core development, this Head Movement MP3 workout is the perfect tool for the job.  If you want to start working on your defensive fighting skills (including counterpunching) click the button beneath this page to add it to your cart.

$30.00 Add to cart

20 reviews for The MP3 Head Movement Workout

  1. Omri Goren
    5 out of 5



    ok just got to doing the HM mp3 last night.. dude its f***ing awesome. managed to do about 95% without fault.

    any chance you’re making more of these, maybe medium and advanced throwing in some more moves like elbows, knees, push kicks and shoots?? pretty sure anyone who got the first mp3 would get another one!

  2. Erik Nielsen
    5 out of 5


    I am loving the head movement/counter punching mp3, I have used it outside multiple times and it is very energizing and skill building. Keep this goodness coming man it’s all great.

  3. Max Pedraza
    5 out of 5


    I started listening to the mp3 and I was lost within the first minute. Lol, I turned to the video for some help and followed along for a couple rounds in my swivel chair until I got familiar with the movements. Sitting in my chair, I felt my heart pumping, which motivated me to get up and finish the rest of the work-out on my feet. Without indulging in too many details, I say this, I began the Mp3 workout in pj’s and by the time it was done, I was in my nickers!

  4. Jim
    5 out of 5


    Dude that mp3 head movement workout is out – f’ing- standing my friend, I
    have been using it as a warm up before bag and drill work and i am on fire
    by the time i get done.

    I have noticed that i am a lot faster with my combinations and crap load
    more stable in my stance while throwing hand leg combos on my poor heavy
    bag (as well as what ever poor sap is willing to hold the Thai pads for me)
    and my head and legs just want to move more without really thinking about

    seriously, thank you – please make more of whatever it is you make because
    it’s good.

  5. Grant Vaka
    5 out of 5



    This workout has given me a new spring in my step. Movin’ like Joe Calzaghe.

    The first time through was tough.

    The 2nd time through it was a lot better and easier, and I had a preconceived comprehension on what combos were coming next, so it’s all starting to build. It’s given me a new immense respect on how head and foot movement are so imperative in the fight game. Really love this program …

  6. Matt in Marlboro
    5 out of 5


    Here’s another one:

    Hey Trav,

    I’m 47 and in pretty good shape. I listen to your MP3 every morning in a studio at my local NYSC. It’s awesome. Your video’s are awesome. You’re sarcastic deliveries are equally awesome. My head is in a better place since following your direction. Oos!

  7. Darius Anderson
    5 out of 5


    Trav, you’ve really help me with my balance i got into a fight the other day and the quick and slightest head movement worked i didnt fight the kid just moved around alot and stayed on my feet. the kid got so mad he didnt want to fight any more. Thanks Trav

  8. Scott Fraser
    5 out of 5


    I feel like Darius needs to use more exclamation points.

    Hey Trav,

    You are probably busy fixing links, editing videos or fighting a bear, but I just wanted to say good work on the workout mp3. Here is my feedback:

    1. What you do is great and its good to give back a little. $10 was a nice level so I wasn’t breaking the bank, but still supporting fight smart.

    2. It got me off my ass. I am quite active but the psychological factory of paying for the mp3 made me invest time in actually doing all the various free techniques you share and drilling them.

    3. I am building the muscle memory and technique vocabulary necessary to be solid fighter. Right now it seems like its been a great success, so I hope future projects are equally as good.

  9. Kris
    5 out of 5


    Hey man, i just want to check in with you.

    Between your “how to fight bigger people” and “head movement master program” i’m taking in some seriously dangerous moves…. I’ve been boxing for over 15 years. I’ve had over 3 different trainers in NYC, one worked w/tyson and what I’ve realized is that everyone thinks they know “the right way”. So i’ve learned to select what i want — and leave out what i don’t. I make my own style.

    i’ve been a sponge watching your vids. Over and over, then i practice and so on. You dish out some very nice morsels of nastyness that i haven’t seen, that i’ve already incorporated into my style … the good news, i’m seeing sick results. Take my hook for example. Your technique has doubled my power. I can fold the bag. No shit. Thank you! You’re a thinking mans fighter, you study the neuance and deliver it in a way i wouldn’t consider. And that’s the way i’ve always worked too. I’ve never taken anyone’s word for it, i always try to find a better way, pressure test, and study what’s making someone else so fucking effective. Then do it that way.

    Hey, I never threw a straight right with a step in. Never. That little diddy you taught me makes a huge power difference!

    Btw, i went ahead and purchased your head movemet mp3.

    The first time i did it was a nightmare. i got through 2 rounds. And was pissed off i couldn’t keep up. I was trained to never step and slip at the same time. Then i calmed down and listened. Next time, i went 4 rounds. Today the 3rd time i did all 10. I have to say, it’s a sick work out and i plan to do it on the heavy bag to see how that works out. ?

    A piece of constructive criticism; put your f-ing hands back up after you throw! ;0

    Thanks again Trav. Keep up the great work. Much love.

  10. Dallas
    5 out of 5


    To Trav,

    I was initially skeptical about how effective this workout would be, but after I got it and ran through half of it before work, I was pleasantly surprised that I was starting to breathe hard. It wasn’t until the next morning when i woke up to my entire back and obliques being sore did I realize just how great this workout is (and I only had time to do half of it!).

    Just wanted to say great work and I’m glad I forked over the money for this MP3. I love watching your videos and it has inspired me to get back in shape and put more effort behind defending myself. My fiance is in Columbus for school and I can say that after having her do some of the things from your videos, I feel a lot safer having her there alone. keep up the great work and can’t wait to see what you got in store for the future.

    Thanks A Lot,

  11. Adib
    5 out of 5


    Hey Trav!

    Just a quick update about how your Head Movement MP3 has helped me, but before that I’d like to give a quick background about myself.

    I’ve been teaching Taekwon-Do ITF for over 10 years and although some might think that sounds impressive, my co-instructor friends have been teaching and training longer than I have. I’m always the one getting bullied when sparring with them!

    I practiced your MP3 workout TWICE before sparring with my younger bro who has been a black belt for 2 years. Sure I did I KNOW about head dodging from seeing boxers on YouTube but never really managed to put it to practice when fighting.

    So the sparring with my brother went great. Not only was I able to dodge his punches and kicks, I felt more confident, had a better fighting stance, and maintained my balance easily. He was surprised at how much of a difference this new skill made in my sparring. I’m waiting to meet up with my co-instructors to have another sparring session. We’ll see how it goes!


  12. Timothy Tran
    5 out of 5



    This workout is awesome! It sticks in your head forever, I was taking a nap and for some reason I could still hear your commands in my head (I guess that’s kind of freakish, but shows it works lol).

    Looking forward to the future of Fight Smart!

    Timothy Tran

  13. Pyge Styles
    5 out of 5


    Just wanted to say these workouts are getting me in the best shape of my life. What does the whole package retail at?

    Thanks man.
    Pyge Styles

  14. Nathan
    5 out of 5


    Yo trav, just wanted to email you to inform you that you
    Are bomb shnizzle. I’ve been training in MMA for a few years
    But can’t afford a trainer anymore so you have been a huge help
    In my hometraining until a save a few $$. Just got your MP3 and it
    Is bomb. #KeepKickingFaces


  15. Michael
    5 out of 5


    I have been studying martial art for 15 years now and I find travs head movement mp3 to be a serious game changer in my regular shadow boxing drills for jkd at home. Keep up the good work, loving this mp3 so thank you!

  16. Alon
    5 out of 5


    This is absolutely a jewel for ass kicker enthusiast such as myself that yearns for functional programs that can help build effective techniques. Trav you are the f!*king man!!

  17. Linus
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Did the Head Movement mp3 last night and woke up feeling like I fought Ali!!!

    LOWER BACK IS TORCHED, letsss gooo!

  18. Mike England
    5 out of 5


    Hey Trav, I just did the MP3 head-movement workout, after purchasing it weeks (months?) ago. I know, I know… I’m a slacker. But I finally did it and it was just as great as you proclaimed. I have to admit to some trepidation beforehand, however. I have absolutely no tolerance for the gross overuse of the word “like” in contemporary speech. It’s not so bad in strangers; I just call them idiots in my head and move on. But when well-spoken and articulate people — such as yourself — succumb to this linguistic virus, it’s like finding out a smokin’ hot babe you had the hots for is actually a lesbian. A great sadness ensues. And so I was a bit nervous playing the MP3 but lo and behold, not a single “like” in the whole thing! Hallelujah! And now that I’ve broken the seal I will be doing this workout twice a week. Thanks for a great supplement to my training program.

    Mike in Montana

  19. carlo matriano
    5 out of 5


    First of, great training and insights on your site, I actually bought the head movement mp3 training the 1st time I saw it. I fortunately haven’t had the chance to use it in real world but I managed to lose 12 pounds (its a lot given that I still eat and drink as frequently as I like). 🙂

  20. Denny
    5 out of 5


    One thing I know for sure is that everything worth having in this crazy world is built on some kind of stable foundation. Relationships are built on effective communication, cars on steel frames and houses on cement blocks. Whatever it is, it must have a strong framework if it’s to survive and thrive.

    In the martial arts, that foundation would have to be footwork. Trav’s Head Movement MP3 has strengthened my foundation by taking my footwork to the next level. It jump started a process that over time has completely revolutionized my thoughts on effective offense. However, the most profound changes (with more “Ah Ha” moments than I can remember) happened shortly after I bought and committed myself to the entire Head Movement Program.

    The Head Movement Program forever changed the way I look at the “art” of evasion and engrained in me the ability to not only reflexively dodge a punch, but more importantly to leave myself in the best position for an effective counterattack. A strategic position that’s good for me but not so good for the idiot trying to hit me. I call it the “Two For One” principle: I’m not just getting better at dodging punches, I’m landing in the best possible position to take my would be attacker out.

    By making me intensely aware of my positioning relative to an attacker, the Head Movement MP3 was the first step in building a more effective me. It’s an excellent introduction to all the basic footwork and striking patterns that I later expanded upon in the Head Movement Program. And, as an added benefit, my cardiovascular conditioning is through the roof! In short, I FEEL like a more intelligent fighter (thus the name Fight Smart!).

    But the best part is…. I get Trav in stereo baby! So on days when I don’t feel like pushing myself, Trav is there right by my side to do it for me. It’s the next best thing to having him here in person screaming, “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT WIMP!” lol

    Thanks for your unbridled honesty and awesome videos Trav,

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