Leg Locks - The Great Equalizer

Leg Locks – The Great Equalizer


4.86 out of 5
(14 customer reviews)

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14 reviews for Leg Locks – The Great Equalizer

  1. Al McParland
    5 out of 5


    I’m 56 so there is no way I could defend myself and family without this
    (maybe with a gun,that can be taken away). I’ve been in fights, years ago,and survived on youth,instinct and a lot of luck. Rolling them bones won’t work for me now. That’s why I didn’t hesitate to get Trav’s leg lock DVD. I can spend 50 bucks at Walmart, in a minute and get a bunch of junk. I forestalled getting Walmart junk for this junk,that will help me defend my junk. (See what I did there Trav!) I’m going to be so confident when I’m done with this leg lock DVD that I may kick Trav’s a**.
    Boom…I said it!
    Al McParland
    Detroit, Michigan USA

  2. William Cowden
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    I’m 68 years old and still able to compete. At this age I obviously lack the ability to last so I’ve concentrated more on refining technique and conserving energy. I enjoy the lessons on leg locks. The old saying is true; that no longer how long you have been in the game, there is always something new to learn. Great job! And I enjoy your teaching method and humor !!!!

  3. Matt V
    5 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    Half way through learning all the moves and it goes really in depth with a funny commentary and more importantly what is the secrets to make the move as efficient as possible

  4. jon anderson md
    4 out of 5

    (verified owner):

    wellll…. seee : i did a 4 out of 5 cuz im so pathetically out of shape that i just cant be any ‘authority’ on the advanced moves this program offers. Hey, Travis ! You should sell cars!! Seriously! to the ‘Demolition Derby people! haha.. I confess that the price of your program is well worth it based on the humor alone .. not even including its potential in saving the ‘well-being’ of my gf, my kids, and even ME!!! .. (not including my cats who can pretty much fend for themselves). One day years ago I and the two gorgeous babes i was walking with in downtown Boston was accosted by a certified punk .. (I dont have his serial number but trust me, it must be on record at the Boston PD ..) .. Anywayz… thru my vastly superior intellect i was able to totally BLUFF my way out of the confrontation … but it was close!!!! so close that i’m just not enthusiastic about having so much luck as i did on that day .. so: ‘legs up’!!! (Actually: ‘leg-locks up’) I think this is a great value if i can only energize myself (and my 74 years of wimpiness) to follow thru and train! THANKS for your enormous motivating skills!

  5. Burlacu Octavian
    4 out of 5



  6. Andre
    5 out of 5


    There’s only one word – Awesome!! I like your fresh approach to training in general whether it is the Striking courses or this Leg Lock course!!

    My background is Sambo and we did a ton of leg locks, but the variations that Dan and you taught are just awesome!! My new go to moves are the knee separator from the guard and my fav of all time figure four leg tie up after a double or single leg takedown!!

    I’m looking forward to some more training vids


  7. Chris
    5 out of 5


    Hi Trav

    As usual your stuff works bro. I accidentally used it whilst working as a doorman this weekend, when I ended up on my butt… lol.

    I shot straight back on my knees with a takedown and boom the lock was in. Before I knew that was the end of it, the guy was screaming – luckily I didn’t tear his kneecap apart but there was enough pain and fright to stop him right there without going to blows.


  8. Andre S.
    5 out of 5


    I am a skinny 58 year old goat. I had the opportunity this weekend to cut a young bull down to size a bit. I took a shot at his front leg, grabbed a heel hook, and made him scream and surrender. Man it felt good! I had a talk with him about “mutual respect” before letting him back up. One of the most exciting experiences I’ve ever had. Thank you for making these techniques available to people like myself.

  9. Ryan
    5 out of 5



    I just finished the Leg Lock program after about 7 months of training. It is an amazing course; it’s very comprehensive and complete. I couldn’t find a partner willing to take the chance to practice these moves with a beginner, so I used a Jiu-Jitsu dummy. But this allowed me to practice the moves hundreds and hundreds of times as hard as possible. It’s to the point where the Fischer figure four to heel hook is almost automatic. It’s good to know that if a fight ever comes my way, I can grab a foot and it end it quickly and brutally.

    And now on to the Fighting Larger Opponents program.


  10. Bruke
    5 out of 5


    The Leg Lock course is an amazing course filled with not only the fundamentals and basics of leg locks as advertised–but it was so great I wanted to drop a line to give my testimony that this course is the most complete compilation of knowledge when it comes to attacking the lower-body that I’ve ever seen in one place.

    Not to mention most of these things, I’ve never seen AT ALL. I love MMA and have trained Jiu-Jitsu, both gi and no gi, and it’s amazing how nearly all MMA gyms have ignored and continue to ignore pretty much all lower body attacks even though they are SUCH quick fight enders.

    Since going through this course, I’ve pulled off several of these moves with partners and let me say this, they have NO IDEA what’s going on or what to do.

    Even some of the best guys I’ve rolled with only know how to lazily roll-out of a standard knee-bar. Get this course, drill it, and you will start owning folks left and right.

  11. Daniel
    5 out of 5


    Hey Trav

    Your Leg Lock Course was one of the best things to happen to me for a long time! A game changer for my whole grappling approach, I would say. Yes, I admit it, I’m one of these Wing Chun guys with 10 years plus training. But in my defense, it’s the way you train I think is important. So I practice in a MMA environment and do no gi grappling too.

    I’m around 156 lbs. and the main guys I roll with are 198 lbs. and more. I think you can imagine the looks they gave me in the past, when I was trying to put a leg lock on them. Now things have changed and they keep watching their legs much more than before. The best thing is that I start to see opportunities. When in a bad situation, just looking for that leg or foot that is within. And to say, your mount escape ( to leg lock ) is awesome.

    If you planned some more grappling courses with Dan Fisher, I think I’m gonna buy them too.

    Cheers and Thanks

  12. Trev
    5 out of 5


    Hey Trav,

    Firstly I’d like to thank you for putting together such an awesome set of online courses. I first discovered you a while back through your Head Movement video and the other free videos you had put out on YouTube. I then signed up to receive some of your bonus videos and receive your emails. Recently I purchased your Leg Lock and supplemental Striking Dojo courses. I must say, I’m really happy with both of them.

    I’m also extremely stoked because I’ve managed to finally assemble a small squad (3 + me) of my close personal defense minded (violent) friends to train on a weekly basis. This first session was great. We spent a bit of time hitting pads as well as drilling some choke defense and a few moves a couple of us had learned in Krav Maga classes. I then had them watch the first leg lock video, about escaping mount and going into a heel hook. It was great to be able to watch the video and then drill the moves. This is a very effective way to learn.

  13. Jacob
    5 out of 5


    I must say thank you. You have kept me safe and will keep me safe in the future; the Leg Lock course is magnificent. I have let the river of brutality flow I might be 16 and still in high school but most certainly impressed a girl and will keep her safe as well.

    Thanks so much and keep up the good work.

  14. James McCreary
    5 out of 5


    Trav, I really enjoyed the course. I had never been exposed to leg locks because the BJJ/kickboxing/Krav Maga classes won’t focus on them because they are too “dangerous to train”. I feel like a whole new world has been opened to me and I’ve been using this stuff to create all kinds of havoc on my training partners. Thanks again man. This is well worth the money.

    PS. Love the striking stuff you do too. Feel free to drop another MP3 for your boy. I use the olds ones couples time a week.

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